Author: Asian-Indigenous Relations
Harald Bauder & Rebecca Breen (2023)
Indigenous Perspectives of Immigration Policy in a Settler Country Bauder, Harald, and Rebecca Breen. 2023. “Indigenous Perspectives of Immigration Policy in a Settler Country.” Journal of International Migration and Integration 24 (1): 369–84.
Jean Barman (2013)
Beyond Chinatown: Chinese Men and Indigenous Women in Early British Columbia Barman, Jean. 2013. “Beyond Chinatown: Chinese Men and Indigenous Women in Early British Columbia.” BC Studies 177:39–64.
Maile Arvin, Eve Tuck, & Angie Morrill (2013)
Decolonizing Feminism: Challenging Connections between Settler Colonialism and Heteropatriarchy Arvin, Maile, Eve Tuck, and Angie Morrill. 2013. “Decolonizing Feminism: Challenging Connections between Settler Colonialism and Heteropatriarchy.” Feminist Formations 25 (1): 8–34.
Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm (1996)
We Belong To This Land: A View of “Cultural Difference” Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri. 1996. “We Belong To This Land: A View of ‘Cultural Difference.’” Journal of Canadian Studies 31 (3): 21–28.
Charlie Smith (2024)
Identity: Lost and Found Explores How a Canadian Tour Affected Indigenous Musicians from Taiwan Smith, Charlie. 2024. “Identity: Lost and Found Explores How a Canadian Tour Affected Indigenous Musicians from Taiwan.” Pancouver (blog).
Jiyoun Kim (2021)
Navigating Belonging, Asian Diaspora & Settler Complicity Kim, Jiyoun. 2021. “Reflections and Questions on Belonging, Citizenship & Settler Complicity as the Asian Diaspora.”
Allen Cho (2010)
Chinese Canadians and First Nations: 150 Years of Shared Experience Cho, Allen. 2010. “Chinese Canadians and First Nations: 150 Years of Shared Experience.” MET Course Weblog (blog).
Nicole Yakashiro (2019)
Daffodils as Property: Settler Colonial Renewal and the Dispossession of Nikkei Farmers in the 1940s Yakashiro, Nicole. 2019. “Daffodils as Property: Settler Colonial Renewal and the Dispossession of Nikkei Farmers in the 1940s.” Master’s dissertation, Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
Rebecca Wong (2019)
Bridging the Gap: Indigenous Nations, Settler-Nations and Newcomers on Turtle Island Wong, Rebecca. 2019. “Bridging the Gap: Indigenous Nations, Settler-Nations and Newcomers on Turtle Island.” Master’s dissertation, Oxford: Oxford University.
Eiko Kosasa (2004)
Predatory Politics: U.S. Imperialism, Settler Hegemony, and the Japanese in Hawai’i Kosasa, Eiko. 2004. “Predatory Politics: U.S. Imperialism, Settler Hegemony, and the Japanese in Hawai’i.” PhD dissertation, University of Hawai’i at Manoa.