The Core Team

A photo of Ty Bryant, co-founder of AIR

Ty Bryant

Ty’s latest publication: Bryant, Ty. “I, The Gutless Indian.” Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art and Thought. Spring 2024: 146-149.

Marc Castro

Cynthia Cui

Geri Lee

Affiliates and Contributors

Ashley Caranto Morford

Cheyanne Connell

Gage Diabo

Candace Fujikane

Michael Hathaway

Em He

Jade Ho

Rishma Johal

Guntas Kaur

Ji-Youn Kim

Jane Komori

Felix Landry Yuan

Sarah Law

Steffanie Ling

Sharon Luk

Janet Lumb

Kabir Madan

Enkhe-Tuyaa Montgomery

Nishant Upadhyay

Nila Utami

Vanessa Vigneswaramoorthy

Rebecca Wong

Ayaka Yoshimizu

Daozhi Xu