Author: Asian-Indigenous Relations

  • Angie Wong (2019)

    Angie Wong (2019)

    A Sorry State of Affairs: Chinese Arrivants, Indigenous Hosts, and Settler Colonial Apologies Wong, Angie. 2019. “A Sorry State of Affairs: Chinese Arrivants, Indigenous Hosts, and Settler Colonial Apologies.” The Canadian Society for Study of Practical Ethics 3:90–110.

  • Earle H. Waugh & Wayne Roan (2006)

    Earle H. Waugh & Wayne Roan (2006)

    On Concepts and ‘the Best Places’: Comparative First Nations, Chinese and Western Traditions on Comprehending Reality Waugh, Earle H., and Wayne Roan. 2006. “On Concepts and ‘the Best Places’: Comparative First Nations, Chinese and Western Traditions on Comprehending Reality.” Religious Studies and Theology 25 (1): 41–70.

  • Corey Snelgrove, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, & Jeff Corntassel (2014)

    Corey Snelgrove, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, & Jeff Corntassel (2014)

    Unsettling Settler Colonialism: The Discourse and Politics of Settlers, and Solidarity with Indigenous Nations Snelgrove, Corey, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, and Jeff Corntassel. 2014. “Unsettling Settler Colonialism: The Discourse and Politics of Settlers, and Solidarity with Indigenous Nations.” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 3 (2): 1–32.

  • Tavleen Purewal (2020)

    Tavleen Purewal (2020)

    Holding It Together: Indigeneity, (Settler-) Postcolonialism, and M. NourbeSe Philip Purewal, Tavleen. 2020. ‘Holding It Together: Indigeneity, (Settler-) Postcolonialism, and M. NourbeSe Philip’. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature 51 (2–3): 95–123.

  • William G. Lindsay (2018)

    William G. Lindsay (2018)

    Chinese Dragons and Indigenous Tricksters: Lessons for Leadership Through an Intersection of People, Culture, Thought, and Practice Lindsay, William G. 2018. “Chinese Dragons and Indigenous Tricksters: Lessons for Leadership Through an Intersection of People, Culture, Thought, and Practice.” Creative Education 9:919–31.

  • Beenash Jafri (2021)

    Beenash Jafri (2021)

    Reframing Suicide: Queer Diasporic and Indigenous Imaginaries Jafri, Beenash. 2021. ‘Reframing Suicide: Queer Diasporic and Indigenous Imaginaries’. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 27 (4): 577–602.

  • Soma Chatterjee (2019)

    Soma Chatterjee (2019)

    Immigration, Anti-Racism, and Indigenous Self-Determination: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis of the Contemporary Settler Colonial Chatterjee, Soma. 2019. ‘Immigration, Anti-Racism, and Indigenous Self-Determination: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis of the Contemporary Settler Colonial’. Social Identities 25 (5): 644–61.

  • Lily Siewsan Chow (2012)

    Lily Siewsan Chow (2012)

    The Forgotten Ties: Relationships Between First Nations People and Early Chinese Immigrants in British Columbia, Canada (1858-1947) Chow, Lily Siewsan. 2012. “The Forgotten Ties: Relationships Between First Nations People and Early Chinese Immigrants in British Columbia, Canada (1858-1947).” Vancouver.

  • Henry Yu, Sarah Ling & Denise Fong (2020)

    Henry Yu, Sarah Ling & Denise Fong (2020)

    Re-Storying and Restoring Pacific Canada: Alternative Pasts for a Changing Present Yu, Henry, Sarah Ling, and Denise Fong. 2020. ‘Re-Storying and Restoring Pacific Canada: Alternative Pasts for a Changing Present’. In Oral History, Education, and Justice: Possibilities and Limitations for Redress and Reconciliation, edited by Nicholas Ng-A-Fook and Kristina R. Llewellyn. New York: Routledge.

  • Rita Wong (2011)

    Rita Wong (2011)

    What Would Restitution and Regeneration Look Like from the Point of View of Water? Wong, Rita. 2011. ‘What Would Restitution and Regeneration Look Like from the Point of View of Water?’ In Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation through the Lens of Cultural Diversity, edited by Ashok Mathur, Jonathan Dewar, and Mike DeGagné, 83–90. Aboriginal Healing Foundation.